Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Many things have been said and written about fear. There are plenty of books on this subject. I will not bore you with something else.  I want you to keep in mind that if you do not analyze your life, to search the areas of your life where there is some fear and face it, you will never experiment the true freedom. Fear is the number one prison in life, and this prison keeps more than 90 percent of people in its. Most people are afraid of being old, most people are afraid of being poor, most people are afraid of being fat, most people are afraid of being sick. Most people on earth feel insecure… And you know what? When you feel some emotion, you call it to become true in your real life. Why? Because our mind is designed to drive us towards our predominant emotion and to create its equivalent in our real world. The solution? Instead of focusing your mind and emotion on what you fear, why not focusing your mind in what you want in life. Instead of constantly thinking of lack, scarcity, poverty, illness, insecurity… why not let your mind be driven by prosperity, abundance, security strong health even if your real world say the contrary.
  There is nothing more liar than our real world, especially if our real world is full of problems.

Our real world tends to say to us that, this problem will be permanent and that things are not going to change in our favor. We analyze the problem and the only conclusion we take is that nothing cannot change in our life. But the truth is that everything changes in life, especially difficult situations. If each of us truly faces with courage any challenge that life gives us, we will notice that our fear is only there because we allow them to be there, in our mind.

If we decide to kick it out of our mind, by facing the problems, I don’t care whether it is a big problem or not, by taking action toward the solutions not the problem, we will start our journey towards our inner freedom and our physical freedom by the way.

Fear stop us to enjoy life and it make the problems bigger than it is, and the ugly part of fear is that it never, never, never gives us the solutions to escape our problems. Why most people find themselves in the trap of fear? It is because fear knocks to our door in the first moment that a problem occurs in our live and pretends to protect us to solve our problems; nothing can not be a big liar and a big trap to us. Fear usually knock to our door in unconscious ways, I mean our subconscious. Please never listen to the voice of fear, when it knock to your door please, don’t open, call courage and faith to come to rescue you from your mess? My last words for you are:

1)    Each time you face your fear, you gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.

2)    Running to your fear is a race you  will never win.

3)    Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear not absence of fear.  Mark Twain.

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